A keypart of the work of WfK is health education, and helping people make the link between improved hygiene and reducing disease. Following the COVID pandemic costs have risen in Uganda, as elsewhere, and it has become apparent that the cost of soap had risen greatly. This threatens to undermine efforts to encourage handwashing.
We are currently undertaking a pilot project to teach liquid soap making, with the aim of establishing a self- sustaining community scheme. In the village of Nakavumbi WfK has provided a borehole, improved school latrines, and built a washroom for older girls. The work involved providing handwashing stands at the school.
The older school pupils, staff and some community leaders were shown how to make liquid soap and then made a batch themselves. The training was repeated in thecommunity, and WfK funded the first batch of chemicals and containers. The aim is that soap sold for a small fee will fund further batches.
Since two trustees were visiting Uganda, this first session was observed to ensure safe methods and handling of the materials. The team in Iganga will monitor progress over the next few months.