
Mukamba School, Mwansabombwe

Aim of the Project

To reduce the prevalence of water-bourne disease by providing a safe and easily accessible water supply to over 1,100 pupils at the Mukamba* secondary school and to 890 people living nearby.

*Mukamba is a rural area Mwansabombwe District in remote Northern Zambia.


  • Safe water was made available by drilling a borehole, installing a solar powered pump constructing a water tower and connecting it to five water points with a total of 14 taps.
  • The ten members of the Water Committee were trained to ensure hygienic use and general maintenance of the water points and the need to collect a small fee to fund repairs.
  • Hygiene training was carried out for 20 pupils from the School Health Club


  • Pupils, staff and the local community have easy access to a sustainable supply of safe water.
  • Improved hygiene practices are carried out as an example to others, by those trained.
  • Improved nutrition as the piped water has motivated school to plant banana, palm, oranges and guava trees.

This will improve the health of the community and save lives.