Nakatambo Borehole Rehabilitation

Nakatambo Borehole Rehabilitation

Following last year’s successful borehole rehabilitation project in Chalilo ward in Chitambo in central Zambia we are doing another project in a different ward in Chitambo, Nakatambo. This project will rehabilitate 15 boreholes in 15 communities including several schools, a clinic and a market. The project includes training local people to be pump menders and … Read more

Cairngorm Activities Donate £450

Many thanks indeed to Cairngorm Activities for their generous donation of £450 and for their continued support of Water for Kids. The support from Cairngorm Activities will enable us to service 28 boreholes in Uganda regularly, ensuring that 15,400 people in 28 communities continue to have access to cleanwater.

Namantooke Spring Source Uganda

Namantooke Spring Source Uganda

WfK recently completed work to protect Namantooke spring source at Wamulongo village near Iganga. Water was being collected from a pool where animals and people waded in causing contamination. WfK funded the construction of a dam so that artesian water can be collected safely. The spring water now comes through a pipe in the dam … Read more

Eilidh Naismith our new trustee

Eilidh Naismith

I’m Eilidh, one of the newest Trustees of Water for Kids. Growing up in suburban Glasgow, I aspired to become a doctor, which was fuelled by my early experiences of caring for my late father, who suffered from severe mental illness and later working as a community carer. These experiences deepened my understanding of the … Read more

Charles Shachinda joins Water for Kids

Charles Shachinda

“Over the course of my life’s endeavours, my personal ethos has broadly come to embody the realisation that some of the best gifts we can ever give or receive in life are to serve a purpose bigger than ourselves. At the very best, this can integrate some of life’s highest ideals, such as the promotion … Read more

Monitoring Remote Projects in Zambia

Sustainability is important to Water for Kids, so Kennedy Mulele, our project manager appointed by the Zambian Institute of Environmental Health, went on a grueling trip in May to monitor our remote projects which were carried out in the last three years. Over 9 days he traveled right across Zambia and back, more than 2000 … Read more